M. Kizzy M. Kizzy - BNB

Beautiful, nasty bitch
Beautiful, nasty bitch
Beautiful, nasty bitch

success, power, ideal love
so important, special, proud, exceptional
vision so sweet... and so bitter

Profiteer, insensitive, affection destructor, beautiful bitch!

So perfect in her mind
And only ambition in her heart
Vain till the end

Mirror, mirror on the floor
Drown her and bring a flower on her place

(It's doom, yeah)

Run away, run away, run away, baby
Leave once and for all my life, my heart, my soul
Run away, run away, run away, baby
Otherwise, I'll get you, I'll kidnap, I'll torture you

when she comes she drops my heart
I fell in love with a character, you don’t exist, you don’t exist, you don’t exist